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National Academic Annual Conference on Biomedical Composite Materials Convened

Issuing time:2023-08-31 17:36

[Reproduction] The 2018 National Academic Annual Conference on Biomedical Composite Materials was held at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry

It coincided with the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, and the 2018 National Academic Conference on Biomedical Composites was held at the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry on August 15-18, 2018. This academic annual meeting is co sponsored by the Composite Materials Branch of the Chinese Society for Biomedical Materials and the Biomedical Composite Materials Branch of the Chinese Society for Composite Materials, and co organized by the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Key Laboratory of Ecological and Environmental Polymer Materials of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It provides an important platform for domestic scientific and technological workers and entrepreneurs engaged in biomedical composite materials research to carry out academic exchanges.

Professor Gu Xiaosong, academician of the CAE Member, Professor Shen Jian of Nanjing University/Nanjing Normal University, Professor Wan Yizao of East China Jiaotong University and researcher Zhang Peibiao of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry served as the chairman of the conference. At the same time, Academician Zhang Xingdong and ten well-known domestic experts are invited to serve as academic advisors for the annual conference. Zhang Peibiao, a researcher in the Key Laboratory of Ecological and Environmental Polymer Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences, served as the director of the conference organizing committee. Yang Xiaoniu, Deputy Director   of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, delivered a speech on behalf of the institute.  There were more than 140 participants in this academic annual conference, and 4 conference reports were arranged (including academician of the CAE Member, professor Zhang Xingdong of the National Biomedical Materials Engineering Technology Research Center of Sichuan University, academician of the CAE Member, professor Gu Xiaosong of Nantong University, researcher Chen Xuesi of the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, and professor Yu Shuhong of the University of Science and Technology of China), 23 invited reports, 37 oral reports, and 42 wall newspaper presentations. Participants carried out in-depth exchanges and discussions on eight academic topics, including osteochondral repair materials, soft tissue repair materials such as skin, nerves, myocardium and blood vessels, inorganic and metal materials, hydrogel materials, drug carrier materials, antibacterial materials, conductive and stimulus response materials and nanomaterials, displayed the latest academic ideas and research achievements, and reported the development trend, hot spots, difficulties and scientific issues in related fields. To encourage young scholars to devote themselves to the research of biomedical composite materials, this annual conference also established the Excellent Report Award and Excellent Wall Newspaper Award for young participants. 10 young participants won the Excellent Report Award, and 5 participants won the Excellent Wall Newspaper Award.

The convening of this high-quality academic annual conference has strengthened academic exchanges among peers in the field of biomedical composite materials in China, deepened the understanding of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry among domestic peers, and also provided an important platform for further enhancing the exchange and cooperation between experts and scholars in this field.

  During this annual meeting, a meeting of all members of the Composite Materials Branch of the Chinese Society for Biological Materials and the Biomedical Composite Materials Branch of the Chinese Society for Composite Materials was also held to discuss the work regulations of the branch, the rules for organizing the academic annual meeting, and the organization of the 2019 academic annual meeting, as well as the writing of specialized books on biomedical composite materials and other matters.

  This annual meeting was strongly supported by Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of Ecological Environmental Polymer Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and several participating enterprises.

For details:http://www.ciac.cas.cn/xwzx/xshd/201808/t20180828_5060157.html


  Group photo of conference attendees


Researcher Zhang Peibiao, Director of the Organizing Committee of the Annual Conference, presided over the opening ceremony of the conference


Speech by Yang Xiaoniu, Deputy Director of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (in charge of work)


Speech by Professor Shen Jian, Director of the Biomedical Composite Materials Branch of the China Composite Materials Society


Professor Zhang Xingdong, academician of the CAE Member, delivered a speech and made a report on the conference


Professor Gu Xiaosong, academician of the CAE Member, made a report on the conference


Report by Researcher Chen Xuesi from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry at the conference


Professor Yu Shuhong from the University of Science and Technology of China delivered a conference report


Professor Wan Yizao, Director of the Composite Materials Branch of the Chinese Society for Biological Materials, presided over the closing ceremony


  10 participants won the Excellent Report Award


  5 participants won the Excellent Wallpaper Award


Meeting of all members of the Composite Materials Branch of the Chinese Society for Biological Materials and the Biomedical Composite Materials Branch of the Chinese Society for Composite Materials

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